Hi guys!
I’m finally back with another video after months as I’ve been so busy. Finally had the time to film and edit a video. I’ll try to make more videos and get it uploaded :D
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a professional at doing gel extension but this is just how I do it and it works for me. Everybody should develop a style of their own in doing things :) also, the tape I’m using is the cheaper kind so it’s not really sticky and it keeps falling apart. In the end, I found a way to solve it and it’s to use paper clip so it won’t fall apart. Probably you can try it if it happens to you as well :)
PS: Really bad photo quality as it’s taken using my phone and flashlight 😅 and so sorry about the bad focus, I think it’s because of the shimmers on my nails that makes the camera keep focusing on my nails…
Watch my video:
That's all,
Stay Tune!